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The Internet Literacy Handbook (Council of Europe)

h t t p s : / / w w w . c o e . i n t / t / d g h l / S t a n d a r d S e t t i n g / I n t e r n e t L i t e r a c y / I n t e r n e t L i t e r a c y H a n d b o o k _ 3 _ E N . a s pExterner Link

The Handbook by the Council of Europe is part of its activities for information literacy as a human right. It describes theInternet and its functions to young people (students), with a focus on search for information (search engines, portals), interactive services (e-mail, newsgroups, blogs), distance learning. Other issues include safety and security on the web (spam, data protection).


Europe, E-learning, Council of Europe, Specialized information, Information society, Communication, access, access, Council of Europe,

Language English; French
Contact Council of Europe; Directorate General of Human Rights - Media Division
Last modified 08.06.2020

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