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Bologna 5th Ministerial Conference - London, May 17-18, 2007

h t t p s : / / w e b a r c h i v e . n a t i o n a l a r c h i v e s . g o v . u k / u k g w a / 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 4 3 4 / h t t p s : / / w w w . d c s f . g o v . u k / l o n d o n b o l o g n a /Externer Link

The official documentation to the 2007 Bologna Conference provides access to the programme, speeches and press releases as well as working group reports (e.g. students’ perspectives, qualifications frameworks for higher education in Europe, portability of loans and grants). As regards the general focus of the 5th Ministerial Conference, the Communiqué outlines the EU programme for Lifelong Learning, ERASMUS, aspects of higher education funding, such as private financing and tuition fees, and quality assurance frameworks as well as excellence as challenges the European Higher Education Area faces in terms of globalisation.


Europe, University policy, University level of education, Mobility, Qualification, Quality assurance, Student Financial Aid, Globalization, higher education, Europe,

Language English
Contact Bologna Secretariat London
Last modified 12.09.2011

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