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COPAC: Academic & National Library Catalogue

h t t p s : / / d i s c o v e r . l i b r a r y h u b . j i s c . a c . u k / a b o u t / l i b r a r i e s /Externer Link

Copac is formed by merging the online library catalogues of members of the Consortium of University Research Libraries (CURL), plus a few other specialist databases and collections. There are 27 CURL libraries currently contributing their catalogue to Copac, including the British Library and National Library of Scotland, and the National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru. There are also special collections from a small number of non-CURL libraries. All the contributing libraries are shown below with a link to their local web site.


United Kingdom, College libraries,

Language German
Last modified 17.06.2020

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