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Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder / Conférence permanente des Ministres de l´Education et des Affaires culturelles des Länder en République fédérale d´Allemagne (KMK)

Taubenstraße 10
10117  Berlin

h t t p s : / / w w w . k m k . o r g / k m k / i n f o r m a t i o n - i n - e n g l i s h . h t m lExterner Link

The functions performed by the KMK derive from the fact that responsibility for education and cultural affairs lies primarily with the Länder. In accordance with its official statutes, the Standing Conference deals with cultural policy matters of supraregional significance with the aim of forming a common viewpoint and a common will as well as representing common interests. In the framework of the Standing Conference, the Länder take responsibility for the state as a whole by way of self-co-ordination and are ensuring the necessary degree of common ground in education, science and cultural matters of supraregional importance. The following tasks derive therefrom: to agree on the accordance and comparability of certificates and final qualifications, to work for safeguarding quality standards in schools, vocational training and higher education, to promote co-operation among educational, scientific and cultural institutions. The required co-ordination takes place, as a rule, through recommendations, decisions or government agreements. The aim is to avoid detailed regulation in the interest of greater tolerance and diversity in the education system. The standards which are jointly agreed upon must allow for experiment and innovation.


Germany, School abroad, Educational policy, Education system, Documentation, Research, further education course, higher education, University policy, Culture, Teacher, Remedial Reading, Political education, School, School organization, Professional Continuing Education, Science,


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