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Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.

Arbeitsstelle Kinder- und Jugendkriminalitätsprävention

Nockherstr. 2
81541 München

h t t p s : / / w w w . d j i . d e / j u g e n d k r i m i n a l i t a e tExterner Link

Set up in 1997, the Centre for the Prevention of Youth Crime provides professionals, politicians, media, researchers and those engaged in education and training with information about the concepts, strategies and practices of youth crime prevention. The various approaches to crime prevention currently followed by the Child and Youth services, schools, police and justice are conceptually compared, examined in terms of their prerequisites and the conditions of their success, described with regard to their target groups and overall aims and – as far as possible – evaluated.


Youth criminality, Adolescent, Child, Criminality of children, Criminality, Prevention, Criminals,

Type of institution non-university research/ service
Country Germany
Phone 089 62306-195
last modified 18.02.2022

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