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DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation
Informationszentrum Bildung

Research Data Centre for Education (FDZ Bildung)

DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation
Rostocker Straße 6
60323 Frankfurt/ Main

h t t p s : / / w w w . f d z - b i l d u n g . d e / h o m e ? l a = e nExterner Link

Your access to research data and assessment instruments

 In accordance with its collection policy, the Research Data Centre for Education offers access to research data from qualitative educational research and assessment instruments from quantitative educational research.

Research data from qualitative educational research

We provide observation data (e.g., lesson videos) and interview data and related material.

Registered users can download available anonymized transcripts, coding and descriptions.

Re-usage of original audio and video data is only possible for scientific purposes, subject to registration and application including a specification of a research intent.

Assessment instruments from quantitative educational research

We provide questionnaires, scales and tests.

Questionnaires and individually indexed scales (item batteries) are openly accessible.

Only registered users can access test instruments, upon separate request.

Usage of the test instruments is subject to adherence to rules of good scientific practice, in particular regarding the reference to the copyright holder (in analogy to citing bibliographic references).


Mail surveys, Research Data,

Type of institution non-university research/ service
Country Germany
Phone +49 (0) 69 - 24708 - 190
last modified 14.05.2024

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