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The Norwegian Institute for Children's Books

Henrik Ibsens gate 110
N – 0255 Oslo

h t t p s : / / b a r n e b o k i n s t i t u t t e t . n o / o m - n b i / a b o u t - t h e - n o r w e g i a n - i n s t i t u t e - f o r - c h i l d r e n s - b o o k s /Externer Link

©Norsk-BarnebokinstitutteThe Norwegian Institute for Children's Books (Norsk barnebokinstitutt) is situated in the National Library in Oslo: It works toward transmitting and ddisseminating child and youth literature in Norway. The website provides information on current book fairs, literature prizes and author and illustrator portraits. Moreover, the Institute offers training opportunities to actors in reading promotion, i.e. seminars and lectures, targeting all interested parties (e.g. teachers, librarians).The Institute aims to provide for a professional delivery of literature customised to the needs and demands of young people.
Furthermore, the Institute actively pursues research in reading, and it hosts an overview of current projects in the country engaged in the field of child and youth literature. Anyone involved in a project can register here, or obtain information by contacting the projects directly. This collection is to provide a survey of all respective projects in Norway, and it is to be supplemented by further information regarding projects in other Scandinavian countries, i.e. Denmark, Finland and Sweden.
The Norwegian Institute for Children's Books is publishing a peer reviewed Open Access title, Nordic Journal of ChildLit Aesthetics (BLFT. Barnelitterært forskningstidsskrift, in Norwegian). The journal is free to read and free to publish in. Articles are published in the Nordic languages, with English summaries.


Norway, Youth literature, Children's literature, Further training for teachers, Reading competence, Reading motivation, Professional Continuing Education,

Type of institution alliance/ association/ interest group
Country Norway
Phone + 47 23 27 63 60
Telefax + 47 23 27 63 61
last modified 26.11.2019

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