Highly qualified, skilled migrants
Triggering skilled migration: Factors influencing the mobility of early careers scientists to Germany
This policy brief examines the factors that influence the mobility of highly-skilled personnel to Germany, with a focus on early career and doctoral scientists in the natural sciences. It takes into account the legal frameworks in place at the national and EU level to attract the highly-skilled, as well as mobility triggers such as networks, undergraduate mobility and family contexts, which also have an [...]
Make it in Germany - Welcome to Germany: portal of the Qualified Professionals Initiative
A portal for skilled and highly qualified persons seeking employment in Germany, offering information about professional qualifications in demand, visa regulations, ways of applying for a position in Germany.
Migrants, minorities, mismatch? Skill mismatch among migrants and ethnic minorities in Europe
Cedefops research paper shows that migrants from outside the EU are more likely to find jobs beneath their real skills level (overeducation), while ethnic minorities are more typically found to lack the education level that the labour market requires (undereducation). Limiting mismatch is good not just for individuals but also for the European economy, allowing a better use of human potential.
The demand for high-skilled workers and immigration policy.
"This paper provides a descriptive analysis of the demand for high-skilled workers using a new firm data set, the IZA International Employer Survey 2000. Our results suggest that while workers from EU-countries are mainly complements to domestic high-skilled workers, workers from non-EU countries are hired because of a shortage of high-skilled labour. The paper, furthermore, provides a short description of [...]
The demand for high-skilled workers and immigration policy. : Read more
The demand for high-skilled workers and immigration policy. Report a broken link
High-skilled immigration policy in Europe.
"Whether Europe will be able to stand up to its internal and external challenges crucially depends on its ability to manage its internal mobility and inflows of international migrants. Using a unique expert opinion survey, we document that Europe needs skilled migrants, and skill mismatch is to be expected. A review of current immigration policies shows that despite a number of positive recent developments [...]