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Europäische Kommission / Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

Key Data on Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe.

2014 ed.

h t t p s : / / d o i . o r g / 1 0 . 2 7 9 7 / 7 5 2 7 0Externer Link

h t t p s : / / e d u d o c . c h / r e c o r d / 1 1 4 4 6 2Externer Link

Der Beitrag liefert statistische Angaben und ermöglicht somit einen datenbasierten Vergleich von 37 Systemen frühkindlicher Bildung und Erziehung in 32 Ländern Europas (37 Bildungssysteme). Neben Aspekten der Fianzierung öffentlicher vorschulischer Betreuung und der Teilhabe stehen Aspekte wie Qualität und Qualifikationen der Erziehenden im Mittelpunkt.

This report, published jointly with Eurostat provides 61 indicators as well as a comparative analysis on Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) throughout 32 European countries (37 education systems). The study demonstrates the challenges facing European countries when it comes to providing quality ECEC services for the 32 million children in Europe in the age range to use ECEC services. It covers a number of specific issues important to policy-makers such as access to ECEC, governance, quality assurance, affordability, qualifications and training among staff, leadership, parent involvement, and measures to support disadvantaged children. Information on ECEC policy and central measures was provided by Eurydice National Units, while Eurostat has undertaken the preparation and production of statistical indicators. The reference year for all policy information is 2012/13.


Early childhood education and care, Elementary education sector, Funding, Cross-national comparison, Europe,

Quelle Luxembourg: Eurydice (2014), 202 S., URL des Volltextes:;
Series Eurydice and Eurostat report
Beigaben Abbildungen
Language englisch
Document type Monographie
ISBN 978-92-9201-567-1
DOI 10.2797/75270

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