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Riddell, Sheila

Education and Disability/Special Needs.

Policies and practices in education, training and employment for students with disabilities and special educational needs in the EU. 1.

h t t p : / / w w w . n e s s e . f r / n e s s e / a c t i v i t i e s / r e p o r t s / a c t i v i t i e s / r e p o r t s / d i s a b i l i t y - s p e c i a l - n e e d s - 1Externer Link

Im Jahr 2012 legte eine unabhängige Expertengruppe (NESSE) auf Anfrage der Europäischen Kommission einen Bericht zur Bildung von Menschen mit Behinderung vor. Der Bericht stellt heraus, dass der Begriff der "disability" unterschiedlich gefasst wird. Statistische Daten belegen darüber hinaus sehr große Unterschiede bezüglich der schulischen Situation (Sonderschulen vs. "mainstreaming"). Die Expertengruppe spricht eine Reihe von Empfehlungen zur Herstellung von Bildungsgerechtigkeit für behinderte heraus.

In 2012, an independent group of experts, NESSE, compiled a report for the European Commission summarising the situation of people with disabilities in Europe. The report highlights statistical data and reviews literature, focusing on the issue of "mainstreaming" versus special schooling of children with special learning needs.The authors gave clear recommendations regarding the necessary improvement of equitable education and access to the labour market.


Education, Comparative education, Equal opportunity, Education, Educational policy, Equal opportunity, Europe, Education system, Vocational Education, Education system, Special education for the handicapped, Educational policy, Cross-national comparison, Comparative education, Promotion of disadvantaged persons, Inclusion, Vocational Education, Special education for the handicapped, Special Educational Needs, Cross-national comparison, Europe,

Quelle Brüssel: Europäische Union (2012), 87 S., URL des Volltextes:
Beigaben Literaturangaben
Language englisch
Document type Monographie
ISBN 978-92-79-23112-4

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