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Why We Need Counsellogical Research: Towards an Anthropology of Counselling.

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"The article explores various meanings of counselling as understood in colloquial, psychological and sociological terminologies and contexts. Starting from these definitions, the article argues strongly for research into counselling and investigation of counselling-related issues and problems. The resultant findings, compiled and synthesised in the form of hypotheses, interpretations and generalised principles, contribute to the science of counselling, i.e. counsellogy. The article seeks to characterise the existing counsellogical knowledge - knowledge on counselling and counselling research - and foster thinking about counsellogy in terms of an anthropology of counselling." [Abstract: Author's information].


Educational research, Psychology, Educational Guidance, Informal language, Career planning, Vocational counseling, Guidance and counseling, Sociology, Counseling system, Terminology,

Quelle In: Studia Poradoznawcze, (2013) 2, S. 258-276, URL des Volltextes:
Language englisch
Document type Journal Articles
ISSN 2299-4971; 2450-3444
DOI 10.34862/sp.2013.4
Edited by DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
Update 2018/3

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