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Accountability in education: Meeting our commitments.

Global Education Monitoring Report 2017/8.

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"Der UNESCO-Weltbildungsbericht 2017/2018 trägt den Titel 'Verantwortung für Bildung' und macht darauf aufmerksam, dass die ehrgeizigen Ziele der globalen Bildungsagenda nur durch das Zusammenwirken einer Vielzahl von Akteuren erreicht werden können. Er diskutiert, welche Beiträge u.a. Regierungen, Schulen, Lehrkräfte, Eltern und internationale Organisationen leisten müssen, damit eine chancengerechte und hochwertige Bildung für alle Menschen sichergestellt wird." [Zusammenfassung: Deutsche Unesco-Kommission].

"In 2017, the second report in the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report series continues its assessment of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goal on education (SDG4) and its 10 targets, as well as other related education targets in the SDG agenda. It also investigates accountability in education, analyzing how all relevant stakeholders can provide education more effectively, efficiently and equitably. The report examines different accountability mechanisms that are used to hold governments, schools, teachers, parents, the international community, and the private sector accountable for inclusive, equitable and quality education. By analysing which policies make accountability work or fail, and which external factors impact on their success, the 2017/8 GEM Report concludes with concrete recommendations that will help build stronger education systems." [Abstract: Unesco GEM website].


Comparative education, Educational research, Educational opportunity, Equal opportunity, Sustainable development,

Quelle Paris: Unesco (2017), 505 S., URL des Volltextes:
Series Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM)#Bd.#2017/8
Language englisch
Document type Monographie
ISBN 978-92-3-100239-7
Edited by DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
Update 2018/1

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