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Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: school psychological services

key words found 1 - 4 of 4

Turkey; international
The Department of Educational Sciences of this Faculty seems to be identical to the Institute of Educational Sciences (for a list of further Faculty departments: see at the end of this abstract). The first provides links to its sub-departments, most of which unfortunately are only in Turkish. The latter provides a list of Master's and Doctoral Thesis as well as a database of [...]

Turkey; international
The Faculty has 12 departments and hence is probably one of the biggest if not the biggest faculty of education in Turkey (see the list at the end of this abstract). Under "publications", you can find two e-journals published by the faculty, the "Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences" and the "Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal [...]

Turkey; international
Under "staff", you will find the staff's personal websites (each of which has to be switched into English again) with a very good documentation of their research interests, publications, projects and more. The Faculty has five departments: * Computer and Educational Technology Education Department * Educational Science Department [is not listed in the English version [...]

Turkey; international
Istanbul University obviously has a new website. Unfortunately, the website of the Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education has no English version yet. The website provides a project list and some information on research interests and publications on the professors' personal homepages. The Hasan Ali Yücel Journal of Education published by the faculty is Open Access, has [...]

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