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Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: project method

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The Global Compact of the UN is an initiative of ethical responsibility which aims at the recognition of enterprises of all countries concerning ten conduct and activity prinicples regarding human rights, work, environment and the fight against corruption. In November 2003, the system of the United Nations Peru and the CONFIEP, with the support of Perú 2021, officially [...]

In the whole world, the United Nations work over an ensemble of organisations which calls itself System of the United Nations (SNU) and which was created by the office of the UN, by funds and programs (such as the UNESCO and the WHO) as well as by participating organisations. These organisations include all spheres of economical and social activity. In Peru, the SNU is adapted [...]

The Daphne Toolkit is both an archive of projects supported by the European Commission's Daphne Programme to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk and an active resource for those planning new projects in this field. The Toolkit has three main objectives: * As a comprehensive dissemination tool, [...]

Amal 1 is a network of more than 128 educational institutions engaged in the advancement of comprehensive and technological education for youth and adults. Located throughout Israel, Amal 1´s schools can be found in Jewish, Druze, Bedouin and Arab communities. The establishment of Amalnet, a computerized communications network encompassing Amal schools, students, teachers, [...]

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