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Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: master course

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The Hellenic Association for Education (HEAd) offers not just a bilateral cooperation with the University of Dundee in an undergraduate and postgraduate programm. It also forces with the Research Centre for Learning & Innovation activities at European and International levels in a number of significant learning innovation projects. HEAd was founded by the initiative of [...]

Since it was founded in 2006, Global Morocco Exchange (GME) has become one of the world's leading providers of quality post-secondary educational services. The colleges, schools and universities that are part of the GME network offer high quality education to approximately 120,000 students across the world in a variety of career-oriented disciplines. More than 18 campuses [...]

Côte d'Ivoire
The institute of higher education and research was created in 2006 bey the BNETD to contribute to the higher education in technical disciplines and in management. One of its main goals is to provide the ivorian youth furnished with a university degree with profounder knowledge, theoretical as well as practical, to facilitate them the access to the job market. Furthermore, [...]

Benin; Burkina Faso; Côte d'Ivoire; Guinea-Bissau; Mali; Niger; Senegal; Togo; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Equatorial Guinea; Chad
The EAMAU (Ecole Africaine des Métiers de l`Architecture et de l`Urbanisme) is a technical college which has been founded from the chiefs of the OCAM during a summit conference on 1975. That transnational college is specialized in architecture, urban development and accommodation all for the benefit of the African states and all to boost their economies. The webpage of the [...]

Europe; Belgium
The College of Europe is a unique and innovative postgraduate institute specialising in European education and training, which it has been pioneering at its Bruges campus since 1949, and since 1994 also at its campus at Natolin, Warsaw. Intensive programmes are offered in European integration issues. At Natolin issues relating to economic, legal and political transition and [...]

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