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Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: global learning

key words found 1 - 11 of 11

This is the Swiss web portal for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The English service provides information and ressources on behalf of Switzerlands contribution to the international ESD community. ESD is part of the regional curricula of primary and secondary school levels in all Swiss language regions. An interdisciplinary approach striving for competencies serves [...]

The "Portal Global Learning" (Portal Globales Lernen) provides information and educational resources about Global Learning. The portal is run by the "One World Internet Conference" (Eine Welt Internet Konferenz EWIK), a network of more than 60 German institutions working in the field of development cooperation in education. EWIk and its portal are funded by the World [...]

The website offers information on a conference about global learning through the Internet and web 2.0 / social media. You will find an e-book with the papers and a summary of the discussions at the conference as well as further information like materials for workshops etc. The website was built up in the context of a conference organised by students of online journalism at the [...]

Educación Sin Fronteras is a non-governmental, independent, laic and non-profit development organisation which consists of persons which participate actively in the challenge to effect a more just and more solid education in which the values of equity, democracy and respect of diversity prevail. The organisation was founded in 1988 by a group of professionals of education [...]

The Project ICT was created to further develop the ICT on the four public universities of Nicaragua, UNAN-Managua, UNAN-León, UNA and UNI. It shall establish a reliable, comprehensive and stable network through which access to global knowledge and local exchange of information can be guaranteed.

The Global Compact of the UN is an initiative of ethical responsibility which aims at the recognition of enterprises of all countries concerning ten conduct and activity prinicples regarding human rights, work, environment and the fight against corruption. In November 2003, the system of the United Nations Peru and the CONFIEP, with the support of Perú 2021, officially [...]

Arab States; North Africa; Middle East
Excellence in Learning and Leadership Foundation (ELLF) is a non-religious, non-political institution which works with every segment and class of the Arab society and responds to their needs by offering capacity building services to aspiring Arab youth, teachers, business leaders and administrators. Sustainable development, social solidarity, good citizenship, social [...]

The purpose of the NEPAD ICT programme is to accelerate development of ICT infrastructure and ICT skills in Africa. It is also intended to bridge digital divide in Africa and between Africa and the rest of the world . The e-Africa Commission was created in 2001 and adopted as an ICT Task Team by NEPAD in 2002. It is responsible for developing policies, strategies and [...]

The Group of Eight (Go8)is a coalition of leading Australian universities, intensive in research and comprehensive in general and professional education. The Go8 exists to: - enhance the contributions of its member universities to its nation's social, economic, cultural and environmental well-being and prosperity; - extend the contribution of its member universities to the [...]

United Kingdom
The Global Dimension website provides teachers with resources, practical guidance and support to enable them to include the topic in the curriculum.

The website is a place to learn more on development education with issues of underdevelopment, development, human rights, justice and world citizenship. Worksheets for schools a learning zone, published resources, link lists and photo galleries are offered.

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