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Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: cooperative learning

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IASCE, established in 1979, is the only international, non-profit organization for educators who research and practice cooperative learning in order to promote student academic improvement and democratic, social processes. IASCE supports those who are interested in the study of cooperation in education by providing a forum in which to share research and lessons about the [...]

Russian Federation
The POISK centre is an educational and research organisation. Its goal is to encourage pupils and students to perform independent scientific research. The POISK centre supports educational programs which implement an interest in physics and natural sciences. Furthermore, diverse activities shall demonstrate the applicability of those sciences. Those activites include [...]

The World Association for Cooperative Education is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to helping interested individuals and institutions forge close ties between the classroom and the workplace. It actively advocates cooperative education (also known as work- integrated learning or co-op) around the world. It also provides technical information and assistance to [...]

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