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Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: conflict resolution

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The platform Radicalisation Research "was created and funded by the Religion and Society Research Programme in 2011, itself funded by Britain’s two main grant-giving bodies for the social sciences, the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council." Radicalisation Research provides information on research done mainly in the UK and USA [...]

South Africa, Republic
The South African ELRC is acting as a kind of agent for conflict resolution between different trade unions in the public education sector and the respective ministries in charge (acting as employers). The website provides information on their service for conflict resolution, on agreements, legislations and regulations, on links to different trade unions in the educational [...]

South Africa, Republic
NTEU is the South African trade union for the tertiary education sector (university level). The webiste provides information on NTEU's structure, its work and services, its annual conference, relevant legislation, bargaining procedures and more. NTEU is not a member of the Educations Labour Relations Council (ELRC) which acts as an agent in conflict solution between many [...]

The Centre of Peace Education and Investigation (CEIPAZ) analyzes and popularizes, from a multidisciplinary perspective, the connection between conflicts, development and education. Furthermore, it investigates the principal tendencies of the international system and promotes education, development and peace.

The Institute is an independent educational institution that focuses on developing and implementing educational programs to teach the basic principles of democracy and peace, civic education and conflict resolution. These programs target adults and teenagers, esp. Jews and Arabs in the formal and complementary education systems of Israel. They are designed to help participants [...]

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