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Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: alternative school

key words found 1 - 3 of 3

international; Europe
The international Association for Christian Education is an organization of associations from different countries in Europe with the aim to support the Christian Education in privat school as in schools under public law and to save the human values of Christian Education.

The Vice Ministry of Alternative and Special Education (VEAyE) is a public entity of the education sector. It contributes to the construction process of the plurinational state and the socio-communal and productive education, prinicpally through the constitution of the plural education and the democratisation of the access to education as well as the sustainable, integral [...]

The General Directory for Alternative Basic Education (DIGEBA) is a technical-pedagogical qualified management body. It elaborates norms, policies and proposes agreements for the best development and construction of alternative basic education. Furthermore, it guides the conversation process of centres and education programs for youth and adults, especially of autonomous [...]

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