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Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: academic libraries

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FUURT ist the Finnish Union for University Researchers and Teachers, also including "library personnel and other academic experts". The website provides ample information on the FUURT's activities, as well as on everything you need to know when working at a Finnish university. The union also has a special group for international researchers working in Finland. Together with [...]

Ireland; international
RIAN offers a search over 7 repositories (databases with online fulltexts) of the following Irish university libraries including the Dublin Institute of Technology: * Dublin City University * NUI Galway * NUI Maynooth * Trinity College Dublin * University College Cork * University College Dublin * University of Limerick [...]

The Interuniversity Centre of Documentary Resources (CIRD) is a support centre for the distribution and the production of documentary resources and the promotion of the utilization by the national university community. Its main objective is the contribution to a promotion of the capacities of the higher education sector by modernizing and ameliorating the univeristy [...]

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