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Education Systems International

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The "Digital Accessibility Rights Evaluation Index" (DARE Index) is published by the The Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs ( G3ict). The website linked here provides a lot of resources and background information on the index. Among others, you will find the index and its predecessor published since 2008, country profiles, top performing countries, the progress made by [...]

"Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 covers a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible. Following these guidelines will make content more accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities (...) Following these guidelines will also often make Web content more usable to users in general." They were published by the World Wide Web [...]

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provides a list of tools that help evaluate Web accessibility. As there are different definitions of accessibility in different countries, you can filter country specific accessibility guidelines, among others. W3C was created in 1994 as a membership organisation that seeks to standardise techniques in the World Wide Web. [Abstract: [...]

international; United Kingdom
"Digital technologies have transformed daily life. Yet capacity for producing accessible digital tools and services has not kept pace with demand, exacerbating digital exclusion for disabled people and older people.

G3ict develops policies, standards and technical resources for inclusive ICTs together with United Nations agencies. It engages in institutional advocacy, provides training and certification and organises an annual summit. You will find a lot of information on these tasks on their website. Furthermore, you will find an Open Access publications' section (among others, G3ict [...]

United Kingdom
The Imperial College London's project is first of all meant to help making the College's own websites more accessible according to a UK regulation as of 2018 on accessibility within public sector bodies. Nonetheless, the tips and guides compiled by the College can also help others in making their websites more accessible and inclusive. You will find links to the regulation [...]

The author of the blog compiles information on Web Accessibility laws and policies in more than 20 countries worldwide. For each country you will find information on the respective discrimination law/policy (because of disability) and on laws/policies concerning communication etc. The name of the law is mentioned and the author gives a short comment. Unfortunately, there are [...]

"The project aims to develop specialized digital accessibility training and accessible e-learning platform to improve the knowledge, skills, and competencies of diverse groups of key stakeholders. The training follows web accessibility standards and enables website developers, designers, managers, and others to respond to the needs of visual, auditory, physical, or cognitive [...]

The EU project "Digital Accessibility" provides six different quizzes that deal with accessible digital platforms and tools. The quizzes address different stakeholders that create, develop, design, implement or evaluate digital content. One more quiz addresses interested people in general and tests basic knowledge about digital accessibility. [Abstract: Editors of [...]

Canada; international
The Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University is doing research on design and disability. Many of their projects focus on the education area, especially e-learning / new technologies. You will find information on many projects, for example: Project Outside In (Skills Training Program for Youths) , Floe Project (flexible learning for open education), ATutor (Open [...]

The website offers information on a conference about global learning through the Internet and web 2.0 / social media. You will find an e-book with the papers and a summary of the discussions at the conference as well as further information like materials for workshops etc. The website was built up in the context of a conference organised by students of online journalism at the [...]

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