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Education Systems International

Free keyword: Strategie

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The Strategic Plan [by the Ministry of Education] is presented in three main sections: 1) Quality and relevance; 2) Equitable access, and 3) Efficient and transparent management. Past Plans reflected the institutional organisation of the Ministry and were divided into Programmes (General Education, Curriculum, Literacy, etc.). The change anticipates the planned review of [...]

The Afghanistan's Education Sector Analysis outlines the priorities of the Government in the Education sector such as improving quality, internal efficiency and education outcomes, and improving access and effectively addressing education sector inequities (gender, rural/ urban divide, poor/ non poor). It also recalls that there are huge challenges and that, unless there is [...]

"Opening up Slovenia" is a bottom-up created and top-down supported new and innovative initiative in which Slovenia as a first European member state will attempt to create a unique nationwide research environment in open education.

The heart of the hub is the Open Education Policy Registry, an evolving database which collects and classifies Open Education Policy documents from all educational sectors and levels of governance around the world. The OE Hub is a project by the OER World Map.

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