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Education Systems International

Free keyword: Schultyp school type

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NiederlandeNet (NetherlandsNet) is run at the Centre for Netherlands Studies, University of Muenster, Germany. It provides webdossiers on different topics concerning the Netherlands. The webdossier on the Dutch school system includes chapters on the history of education, educational policy and PISA studies, school types as well as problems and challenges. The dossier is only [...]

The website of the Dutch School Inspectorate provides a lot of information on its work, the process of inspection, criteria for evaluating school, as well as many fulltext documents (reports, studies, results from school inspections etc.). The Dutch website moreover provides a school finder where you can filter for many different criteria. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]

The notion of conference here is used to describe a kind of association which only encompasses a special type of public schools, and not all schools that call themselves "public". The Indian Public Schools' Conference (IPSC) was founded in 1939 and meanwhile has 79 member schools. The website provides information on IPSC history, goals, members, rules, guidelines for [...]

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