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Education Systems International

Free keyword: Kritik

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The Youth Critics Award is an award in the sense of the French "Prix Goncourt des Lycéens". This is intended to recognize young people as readers of Norwegian contemporary literature - experience confirms that the award encourages a lasting interest in reading among young participants. Nine school classes from different disciplines of secondary school are sent as [...]

France; Germany
The ADEAF (Association for the Development of the German Language in France) provides a press review in German and French on the discussions about the French educational reform of the lower secondary education in 2014/15 under Minister for Education Vallaud-Belkacem. Especially the changes planned for the German language classes sparked a huge controversy. The press in France [...]

[Please note: As the original website is not available anymore, we link to a copy from the Internet Archive as of 2016]. "Education in Crisis" provides under the section 'Country Profiles' > 'Europe' also information on Greece. You will find an overview of past and current issues of changes in the educational system, some facts and data, references to union contacts and [...]

Daphne Grathwohl from Deutsche Welle reports about status and development of the Greek educational system. She interviews an Athenian school rector and the präsident of the Greek teachers union OLME. Available in German only. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

In this issue of the "Gifted Child Quarterly", 19 different authors are analyzing 19 myths or general assumptions on giftedness and gifted education from a critical point of view. The journal is published by the US American National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

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