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Education Systems International

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The summary report (2013) was compiled on behalf of the European Commission, to assess the learning situation of adults who are excluded from learning situations because of being imprisoned. Important aspects concern the reduction of costs of crime, rehabilitation and employability, improving skills levels. The report also covers EU initiatives as well as focusing on specific [...]

Europe; Austria; Belgium; Finland; Germany; Netherlands; Norway; Spain; Sweden; United Kingdom
An overview of national and regional strategies in the given countries concerning the use of e-learning in prisons, published within the framework of the LICOS project (Learning Infrastructures for Correctional Services), funded by the EU.

A compilation of projects that received support from the European Union during the Lifelong Learning Programme (2007-2013) targeting education in prison environments.

The European Prison Education Association is an organisation made up of prison educators, administrators, governors, researchers and other professionals whose interests lie in promoting and developing education and related activities in prisons throughout Europe in accordance with the recommendations of the Council of Europe. EPEA is recognised by the Council of Europe as a [...]

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