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Education Systems International

Free keyword: Evidenzbasierte Politik evidence based policy

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The Adacemy is meant to be an interface between science and research, society, and politics. It also advices the government in many issues. Its approximately 50 members are organised in 5 commissions that represent all the scientific fields from Natural Sciences to Humanities. The website provides information on activities (conferences etc.), publications, the Academy's [...]

AfriNEAD aims at improving the usefulness of research on disability in Africa for politics, interest groups, the society as a whole. Amongst others, the website provides information on the AfriNEAD Symposium, on activities, on developments (laws, integration, ...) in the field of disability. There are not many resources under "Research & Resources", but you will find a link to [...]

Africa; Sierre Leone; Uganda; Malawi; Ethiopia
A-PODD was a three year research project (2009-2011) run by the Centre for Global Health at Trinity College Dublin in cooperation with two institutions in South Africa. The website provides the four project reports for the countries analysed (Sierra Leone, Uganda, Malawi, Ethiopia). "[The] research investigated the need for disability to be included on the agenda of national [...]

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