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Education Systems International

Free keyword: Dokumentationszentrum

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The abbreviation bidok stands for disability, inclusion, documentation. bidok is a web project researching into integrative/ inclusive education and disability studies at the Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften, University of Innsbruck. Its main task is making specialist journal articles accessible in the full text library. Since bidok makes full texts available (and not [...]

Created in 1945, and a national state organisation since 1987, the Centre international d'études pédagogiques (CIEP) is known in France and internationally for its skills in assessment, training and evaluation, and for its ideas in the field of international cooperation in education. A benchmark public-sector provider, it draws on a network of experts and national and [...]

The National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) is a multidisciplinary Research Centre. Its aim is to perform, finance and support high-level research projects in the areas of humanities and natural sciences. During its years of operation the NHRF has developed and performed research projects in the fields of history, physics, chemistry, material sciences, biology and [...]

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