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Education Systems International

Free keyword: Dokumentation

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The section ´´Education´´ provided by the National Portal of India is organized by the topics elementary, secondary and higher secondary, higher and adult education. After your selection of interest you can find relevant links and short descriptions of websites from related educational institutions or about related educational informations. You can as well find a quick [...]

The abbreviation bidok stands for disability, inclusion, documentation. bidok is a web project researching into integrative/ inclusive education and disability studies at the Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften, University of Innsbruck. Its main task is making specialist journal articles accessible in the full text library. Since bidok makes full texts available (and not [...]

Purpose of the Swiss document server education ( is to collect in electronic form the documents from the fields of educational policy, education administration, educational planning and to make it available for the education research and development in Switzerland.

Canopé, formerly "Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique (CNDP)", is the national French information and documentation network for teachers to help them with their daily classroom practice. The website provides mainly (official) texts about various practical issues in the 3 school levels, information about teaching aids and material, products and catalogues of [...]

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