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Education Systems International

Free keyword: Bildungsmaterial

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Brazil; international
The Brazilian Initiative for Open Education brings together productions and projects from the UNESCO Chair for Distance Education and the Educadigital Institute, which promote the issue of Open Education in Brazil. The website provides academic research, publications, production of resources and repositories, as well as face-to-face and distance training courses. All of this [...]

Africa; Africa South of the Sahara; international
The "Association for the Promotion of African OER" was founded in 2009. It provides information about OER in Africa including links to various projects, OER materials, courses, software, etc. Some of the resources are sorted by language (francophone, anglophone, lusophone) or as pan-African. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

KlasCement is a very successful Belgian online platform where teachers share free learning resources. The content is also available in English.

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