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Migration, Migrationspolitik und Bildung in Europa: einzelne Länder


This report looks at the question of migration-related diversity at school from the vantage point of policy formation. Our concern is on how public policies have faced the issue of ethnicity, minority cultures, minority religions and social disadvantage in the educational field in French speaking Belgium. As previously discussed in WP1, Belgium may be classified as an old [...]


"1. The labour market integration of immigrants has been a key issue both in the public debate and on the government agenda in Denmark, triggered by unfavourable employment outcomes of immigrants - the gaps in employment rates of immigrants compared to the native-born are among the highest in the OECD - and a rapid rise of the immigrant population during the past twenty years. [...]

This national report is an output of the OECD Thematic Review of Migrant Education. It provides facts and existing evaluative information on migrant education in Austria following the OECD’s guidelines for country background reports for this review. … The focus of this report is on migrant education policies and practices. However, some information on general immigration and [...]

Es geht  um die Integration von Schülerinnen  und Schülern mit Migrationshintergrund  ins dänische Schulsystem.


Das Institut für Migration, mit Hauptsitz in Turku, wurde 1974 eingerichtet. Hauptaufgaben sind die Dokumentation von Forschungsmaterialien im Bereich internationaler und inländischer Migration; Forschungsarbeiten sowie die Kooperation mit Universitäten und Organisationen im In- und Ausland. Online-Suche in der Spezialbibliothek [...]


Die Schlagwörter "Migration" und "Interkulturalität" haben sich europaweit auf den tagespolitischen Agenden etablieren können. Zugleich befinden sich viele der nationalstaatlichen Migrationssysteme in einer tief greifenden Legitimationskrise, konfrontiert mit höchst ambivalenten Realitäten ihrer Zuwanderungsgesellschaften. Diesbezüglich greift der Beitrag aus dem [...]

The schooling of ethnic minority children is an issue that relates not only to educational matters but also to national models of integration and identity building. This paper compares the situation in England and in France, two countries characterised respectively by the multicultural and the republican model. A study of official taxonomies used to classify the population, of [...]

Der Beitrag erörtert vor dem Hintergrund der sozialen Unruhen in den Vorstädten Frankreichs 2005 das französische Modell der Integration bzw. das Sozialmodell des Landes und seine mögliche Infragestellung. So werden in einem ersten Schritt die sozialen Ausmaße der Aufstände in den Vorstädten beschrieben, deren Hauptakteure Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund sind und [...]

Today, how is this issue constructed and managed within a French society which is more uncertain than ever about its traditional “integration model”? In order to highlight this question, we develop five points in this report. First, we analyse the developments of national policy from the 1960s to the 2000s; these developments reveal the clear illegitimacy of multicultural [...]


This national report is an output of the OECD Thematic Review of Migrant Education. It provides facts and existing evaluative information on migrant education in Austria following the OECD’s guidelines for country background reports for this review. … The focus of this report is on migrant education policies and practices. However, some information on general immigration and [...]



This national report is an output of the OECD Thematic Review of Migrant Education. It provides facts and existing evaluative information on migrant education in Austria following the OECD’s guidelines for country background reports for this review. … The focus of this report is on migrant education policies and practices. However, some information on general immigration and [...]

The making of immigration and integration policies in the Netherlands has undergone notable changes over the past decades. While for a long time the Netherlands was celebrated for the success of its multiculturalist approach, nowadays there is an increasing emphasis on integration and adaptation to Dutch norms and values. The authors first describe the development of [...]

This national report is an output of the OECD Thematic Review of Migrant Education. It provides facts and existing evaluative information on migrant education in Austria following the OECD’s guidelines for country background reports for this review. … The focus of this report is on migrant education policies and practices. However, some information on general immigration and [...]

This national report is an output of the OECD Thematic Review of Migrant Education. It provides facts and existing evaluative information on migrant education in Austria following the OECD’s guidelines for country background reports for this review. … The focus of this report is on migrant education policies and practices. However, some information on general immigration and [...]

Table of Contents - 1. Legal Basis for the Admission of Persons without Polish Citizenship - 2. Institutions Researched – Justification and Background - 3. Statistics on the Presence of Children of Immigrants in Polish Schools - 4. Field Study Findings - a. Individual Strategy towards an Immigrant Pupil - b. Ministry of National Education - c. Educational Policy - d. [...]

This national report is an output of the OECD Thematic Review of Migrant Education. It provides facts and existing evaluative information on migrant education in Austria following the OECD’s guidelines for country background reports for this review. … The focus of this report is on migrant education policies and practices. However, some information on general immigration and [...]


This report examines the ways in which migration related diversity in Britain has given rise to educational challenges; how these have been addressed in the past and how the responses to present challenges maybe indicative of a broader approach to minority cultural differences. One way of exploring the impact of migration related diversity in education is to focus upon [...]

Letzte Aktualisierung: 09.11.2011  -

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