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EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027

h t t p s : / / e u r o p a . e u / y o u t h / s t r a t e g y _ e nExterner Link

EU Communication on Youth Strategy 2019-2027. The Strategy aims at fostering youth engagement in democratic life, strengthening intercultural activities, recognition of youth work. The goals are:

  1. Connecting EU with Youth
  2. Equality of All Genders
  3. Inclusive Societies
  4. Information & Constructive Dialogue
  5. Mental Health & Wellbeing
  6. Moving Rural Youth Forward
  7. Quality Employment for All
  8. Quality Learning
  9. Space and Participation for All
  10. Sustainable Green Europe
  11. Youth Organisations & European Programmes


Europe, Intercultural education, Youth work, Adolescent, Youth policy,

Language German; English
Contact Europäische Union
Last modified 06.01.2022

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