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Professional development for German educators at Goethe-Institut

h t t p s : / / w w w . g o e t h e . d e / i n s / u s / e n / s p r / u n t / f f d . h t m l ? w t _ s c = t e a c h e r t r a i n i n gExterner Link

The Goethe Institute offers training workshops to teachers of German in Northern America (USA, Canada) that are available online, charging a subscription fee of USD 100.00. Scholarships can be granted upon application, and courses on offer cover different levels, e.g. German as a Second Language for Children.For further information, teachers should check the website 'Deutsch-Lehren-Lernen'.


Germany, Canada, United States, German as a foreign language, German as second language, German language teaching, Training Methods, Education courses, Foreign language teaching, Online courses,

Language German; English
Contact Goethe-Institut New York, Anne-Sophie Albrecht:
Last modified 04.01.2023

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