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Professional recognition - recognition finder

h t t p s : / / w w w . a n e r k e n n u n g - i n - d e u t s c h l a n d . d e / h t m l / e n / s k i l l e d - w o r k e r s . p h pExterner Link

Refugees may find it important to gain recognition of the professional or vocational qualifications they hold in order to gain entry to the German labour market. In some cases, recognition is a mandatory prerequisite to work in certain professions. “Recognition in Germany” has collated the relevant information and services relating to how such professional recognition can be obtained. Alongside German, the portal is also available in English, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Polish, Turkish, Greek and Arabic. •The new „Recognition in Germany“ app is – in addition to German and English – also available in the five most common languages spoken by refugees (Arabic, Dari, Farsi, Tigrinya and Paschtu). You can download the App for Android, iOS and Windows-Phone.


Vocational Education, Occupational qualification, Vocational education and training, Educational attainment, Education system, Academic degree, Qualification, Academic studies,

Language German; English; Spanish; Italian; Arabic; Greek; Persian; Polish; Romanian; Tigrinya; Dari; Pashto
Contact Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung BIBB;
Last modified 07.08.2020

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