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Ankommen! App by the Federal Office of Migration and Refugees

h t t p s : / / a n k o m m e n a p p . d e / A P P / D E / S t a r t s e i t e / s t a r t s e i t e - n o d e . h t m lExterner Link

This app provides a first orientation to asylum seekers newly arriving in Germany, available in three language versions (German, Arabic, English). The app focuses on asylum seeking procedure, living and working in Germany, learning German.


Germany, Asylum, German as a foreign language, Refugee, Policy on refugees,

Language German; English; Arabic
Contact Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) und Goethe-UInstitut, Ba für Arbeit, br alpha
Last modified 19.01.2022

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