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Educational package - state of Hamburg

h t t p s : / / w w w . h a m b u r g . d e / c o n t e n t b l o b / 2 8 9 9 3 3 2 / 8 b 0 3 4 1 6 8 9 6 0 3 f 4 c 3 5 4 e b 9 c 8 f 2 1 5 f d 3 e 1 / d a t a / b i l d u n g s p a k e t - e n g l i s c h . p d fExterner Link

The City of Hamburgg offers support for low-income families, e.g. free lunch - information is available on this website in different languages, e.g. Arabic.

Document from: Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Hamburg


Educational Welfare, Equal opportunity, Adolescent, Child, Social benefits,

Language German; English; French; Spanish; Russian; Turkish; Arabic; Bulgarian; Persian; Polish; Portuguese; Serbian; Croatian
Contact Hotline zum Bildungs- und Teilhabepaket, Tel: (040) 428 280; bildungspaket@basfi
Last modified 08.07.2020

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