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Eduserver Dossier: “Mobility- Studying- Disability“
The EU announces the „Year of Equal Opportunities for All“ in 2007

h t t p s : / / w w w . b i l d u n g s s e r v e r . d e / p d f / P M _ d b s _ e d u s e r v e r _ S t u d e n t s _ D i s a b i l i t i e s _ 6 _ 0 7 . p d fExterner Link

21 June 2007
Frankfurt / Main. The German Education Server launched an information service for students with special needs in mid-June 2007: the website provides resources on the subject of mobility, studying and disability. This collection of documents is accessible in English and German (German: Its larger framework is the “Year of Equal Opportunities for All“, as declared by the European Union in 2007. Access to higher education and to exchange programmes for students is one particular issue which is relevant in the light of a growing European higher education area.


Mobility, Academic studies, Handicap, higher education, Equal opportunity,

Language German; English
Contact Christine Schumann; Gwendolyn Schulte
Last modified 21.06.2007

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