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Migration advice for adult immigrants

h t t p s : / / w w w . b a m f . d e / E N / T h e m e n / I n t e g r a t i o n / Z u g e w a n d e r t e T e i l n e h m e n d e / B e r a t u n g E r w a c h s e n e / b e r a t u n g - e r w a c h s e n e - n o d e . h t m lExterner Link

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees offers advice and counselling to newly arrived immigrants in Germany, e.g. where to learn German, health care, school system, housing, recognition  of qualification. In many cases, the service is  also available in other languages. .


Counselling, Adult, Germany,

Language German; English
Contact Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge/Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
Last modified 12.03.2020

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