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Jugendmigrationsdienste (JMD) = Youth Migration Services

h t t p s : / / w w w . j u g e n d m i g r a t i o n s d i e n s t e . d e / e n /Externer Link

Advising, supporting, educating at more than 450 centres throughout Germany: the Jugendmigrationsdienste (JMD) assist young people with a migration background aged between 12 and 27 with their integration process in Germany. Individual support, professional advice, group and educational courses as well as effective networking in schools and training organisations are among the important tasks. The focuses are on linguistic, educational, professional and social integration. The Jugendmigrationsdienste help young people find their feet in Germany. Whether it’s with problems at school, looking for an apprenticeship or formality issues: JMDs accompany young migrants Professionally and free of charge with a variety of services and in different languages.


Migrant woman, Counselling, Tutoring, Social counseling, Vocational Education, Qualification, Equal opportunity,

Language German; English; French; Spanish; Russian; Turkish; Arabic
Last modified 23.08.2016

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