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EURAXESS Germany - Germany for Researchers

h t t p s : / / w w w . e u r a x e s s . d e /Externer Link

EURAXESS Germany is the National Coordination Point at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, an information and advice point for internationally mobile researchers wishing to come to Germany or Germans wishing to go abroad to work in research. Here you can find information on funding opportunities, job offers, social security and tax issues and other topics relating to researcher mobility. The EURAXESS Germany staff can be reached via a helpdesk. You can also use the EURAXESS map of Germany to find contacts at the EURAXESS Services Centres at universities and research institutions. EURAXESS Germany is part of the network of EURAXESS Services Centres throughout Europe. 


Europe, European cooperation, Researcher, International exchange, Scientist,

Language German; English
Contact EURAXESS Germany/National Coordination Point at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation ;
Last modified 23.06.2022

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