
Deutscher Bildungsserver Bildungsserver

Ariadne path:


Advice and Counselling Services (for students with disabilities)

Monbijouplatz 11
10178 Berlin

h t t p s : / / w w w . s t u d e n t e n w e r k e . d e / b e h i n d e r u n gExterner Link

This website by the German student advice services offers students with disabilities basic informion related to the following issues: entry requirements to German higher education, recognition of academic qualifications, health insurance, advice for foreign students - counselling for international students with disabilities (contact links are provided).


Counselling, Counseling center, Handicapped, Academic studies, Male student,

Type of institution alliance/ association/ interest group
Country Germany
Phone 030 29 77 27-64
Telefax 030 29 77 27-69
last modified 13.05.2014

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