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International Youth Community Service (ijgd)

Sedanstr. 75
30161 Hannover

h t t p s : / / w w w . i j g d . d e / e nExterner Link

The ijgd has been organising volunteer service programmes since 1949. They are an independent, non-profit association for international youth work, a recognised independent youth welfare organisation, and one of the largest and oldest workcamp organisations in Germany. Each year, the ijgd assist around 4,000 young people into volunteer work in Germany and abroad, giving them the opportunity to be creative, act in solidarity, take responsibility for themselves, and discover their own true potential and strengths.


Special year of voluntary community service, Practical training, International unterstanding,

Type of institution alliance/ association/ interest group
Country Germany
Phone 0511 13 22 97 50
last modified 13.03.2024

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