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German National Guidance Forum in Education, Career and Employment (nfb)

Kurfürstenstr. 131
10789 Berlin

h t t p s : / / w w w . f o r u m - b e r a t u n g . d eExterner Link

The National Guidance Forum for Education, Career and Employment is an independent network in which all institutions and organisations, relevant research and training institutions for guidance practitioners, governmental authorities and non-governmental agencies dealing with, offering or financing guidance and couselling as well as organisations of guidance users and consumers can collaborate. The Guidance Forum deals with guidance provided for individuals in education, vocational training and employment sectors. The Guidance Forum understands itself as a platform for all stakeholders and actors in this area providing an opportunity for exchange of knowledge and experience across all institutional sectors, for the discussion of common concerns and projects, and for the achievement of common aims.


Counselling, Vocational counseling, Occupational orientation, Educational Guidance, Adult education, Life-long learning, Professional Continuing Education,

Type of institution alliance/ association/ interest group
Country Germany
Phone 030 - 25 79 37 41
Telefax 030 – 26 10 32 43
last modified 26.11.2021

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